Module 1 - Transport Pathways to Reach Global Climate and Sustainability Goals

- 1.1. Transforming Transport and Mobility to Achieve the Targets of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals
- 1.2. Transport Adaptation and Resilience
- Spotlight 1. Transport-Health Nexus
- Spotlight 2. Transport Adaptation and Decarbonisation in Small Island Developing States
- 1.3.1. National Climate and Sustainability Strategies to Achieve the Targets of the Paris Agreement and the SDGs on Transport
- Spotlight 3. Engagement of Transport Stakeholders in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Process
- 1.3.2. Sub-national Actions for Sustainable, Low Carbon Transport
- 1.3.3. The Role of Business in Decarbonising Transport
- Spotlight 4. Shortening Global Supply Chains as a Key to Decarbonising Transport
Module 2 - Regional Trends in Transport Demand and Emissions, and Policy Developments
Module 3 - Climate and Sustainability Responses in Transport Sub-Sectors and Modes
Module 4 - Transport and Energy
Module 5 - Enabling Climate and Sustainability Action in Transport: Finance, Capacity and Institutional Support
Country Fact Sheets