
SLOCAT Transport, Climate and Sustainability
Global Status Report

3rd Edition

The SLOCAT Transport, Climate and Sustainability Global Status Report – 3rd Edition tells the global and regional stories of where we are and where we need to get to urgently on climate and sustainability action for transport and mobility. With contributions from 100 world-class experts and organisations, this flagship report is a one-stop shop for the latest available data, trends, targets and developments on transport demand, emissions and policies. The GSR equips decision makers towards knowledge-based action and aims to  raise ambition in transport policy and investment for people and the planet.


SLOCAT Transport, Climate and Sustainability Global Status Report

3rd Edition

The SLOCAT Transport, Climate and Sustainability Global Status Report – 3rd Edition tells the global and regional stories of where we are and where we need to get to urgently on climate and sustainability action for transport and mobility. With contributions from 100 world-class experts and organisations, this flagship report is a one-stop shop for the latest available data, trends, targets and developments on transport demand, emissions and policies. The GSR equips decision makers towards knowledge-based action and aims to  raise ambition in transport policy and investment for people and the planet.

The report is supported by


Engaging a wide community of world-class experts and organisations

Strategic Advisors from

Section authors, contributors and reviewers from