Global Overview
Section 1 – Global Overview examines progress towards decarbonising transport on a global scale and also includes sub-sections on each of the six global regions as defined by United Nations classification: Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, North America and Oceania.
Global Transport and Climate Change
As global emissions from the transport sector continue to rise, gaining a better understanding of the specific sources of these emissions, and how to address them, is critical.

Africa Regional Overview
Rapid urbanisation trends in Africa continued in 2019 and 2020, and the region’s megacities …

Asia Regional Overview
Asia accounts for most of the growth in global transport demand since 2000.

Europe Regional Overview
Demand for freight and passenger transport in Europe grew at relatively low rates (1-2%) in 2018, …

Latin America and the Caribbeans Regional Overview
Latin America and the Caribbean is the second most urbanised region in the world after Asia, …

North America Regional Overview
North America contributed the second highest regional share of transport CO2 emissions in 2019 after Asia, …

Oceania Regional Overview
Oceania’s contribution to global transport demand and transport emission growth has remained low compared to other regions.